Wednesday, May 27, 2009


So I haven't posted for almost a month!!! That is so not like me...we have been busy around the McCaul house.
My littlest brother graduated! Yes I am old now:(
We finally finished (well almost) our backyard! And it looks so good:) pictures to come soon
I have ran into old friends and wish I had pictures:(
We went south for the long weekend:)
I planted my front yard!
um I guess we haven't done too much...but it feels like we have
Oh wait I had a wonderful mother's day:)

I really need to get my pictures uploaded so I can do an intresting post with pictures and all. Jason really worked hard on our backyard and it was so worth it! Thanks to many neighbors and Jason's brothers for helping so much.

We soon find out what sex our little one is!!! In your comment vote what you think I am having :) I think it is a boy but I am usually not right!

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Well I didn't know how many would notice the change of my header so I will post about it. It might still be early, but we are adding to our family! Thats right another cute little McCaul will be entering the world around November 10th! We are so excited and Reddek is so sure it is a little brother but we will see...I am not too far along but too excited to keep it in any longer:) Reddek will be 3 about a week before our other little one is if you notice I am getting fatter I am!!!