Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Lately Jason has been making minor changes to our house....changing our sink, our lights and of course working on the yard. Well Reddek is so funny! Every time he sees the new faucet on our kitchen sink he gets all excited and says “MOM look what daddy made" same with the lights and outside he says he made the dirt. And now with the hot tube there Reddek thinks his daddy made it! I try to explain that daddy doesn't make everything that changes around here...but he insists that his Daddy made it! I hung some more decorations and Reddek of course notices them (I am telling you have a kid they make you notice EVERYTHING) he says mom look daddy made them. I just a laughed and said yep your daddy is awesome :) I am so thankful for Jason he really does work hard for us and keeps up with all my changes I need him to make. I know I need to just be happy and stop worrying about all the things I want done, but it is hard as most of you know. One new rule is I can't say NEED anymore. When I want something I tend to say "I need..." Jason informed me it will lower my stress if I stop saying need so much. Most of what i say I need is a want so I am working on that!

I can't wait for warm weather so we can do some of the following!

I just LOVE the spring and summer! Oh and the great people we get to hang with and do all this fun stuff with:)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Exciting things happening at the McCaul's

Ok not really! But hey I got you to read this post. J/k well it is getting warm so we have to start finishing our back yard. Jason is all sorts of excited but I just WANT IT DONE!!! He says then you just get use to it and it isn't cool anymore, so he doesn't mind the time it takes. We kind of have different ideas on what to do so it will be interesting to see how it turns out. Jason is a perfectionist so it should turn out great! (Even if it takes all spring and summer)

Another exciting thing just to help our back yard...our neighbor is GIVING US A HOT TUB :) (Ok trading) The house we bought has the hook up, which alone costs a lot of money. So since we moved in Jason keeps bringing up a hot tub. I am so not ever going to spend thousands of dollars on a hot tub. We won't use it enough and so many other things to buy first! But our great neighbor worked at bullfrog so he got us one...it is about 5 years old, but who cares!!! We have an old black car that just takes up space at our house and his son needs a car so he asked Jason if we could swap...the car for a hot tub! HOORAY :) So I am posting as they are under my deck hooking it up for me. THANKS! I am excited and not even half as excited and Jason.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Sorry for the last post! That is what went through my head, and I should have thought a little before I posted. It is sunny and all the SNOW is almost gone...I know I shouldn't let the weather get my attitude down:) I just need to go visit somewhere warm for a while.

Monday, March 9, 2009

WhAt Is ThIs?!?

WHAT THE CRAP!!! I am so Sick of the SNOW!!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

i LOvE MY kIDdO!

Reddek has been sick, but is still so happy! I love how he is feeding us fake food all day, and how he stutters over his words. He always wants to be fair...if I give him some he says a Collyn needs some or the other way around. He is such a cute kid and reminds me of the simple things. The other day I was stressed and didn't have much patients and I kind of yelled at him he walked off and let me be for a minute. Then when I was ready to give him a hug he was so forgiving that i had just yelled at him he gave me a great big hug! I know this is all little stuff, but it makes me realize how much I love him and how perfect little ones are.

Jason got me a book for Christmas and I have been reading it! One of the chapters is about how this lady is in YW and feels like she wants to be cool, and then she realizes it doesn't matter what they think of you when you are with them, it only matters what they think of themselves when they are with you. I love that and I need to try and live more like that! Another quote I like from this book is
"Believe that as you look for the good in others, you'll find it in yourself"

This is my new Motto! I am going to try and remember that daily! I have it hanging on my mirror if I forget!
She talks about how some people (probably most) don't dare make new friends partly because they are worried about what the other person might think about them, but if you forget about yourself and look for the good in them you won't be nervous to talk to them. Also don't worry about how much they find out about you, find out what you want about them...you ask the questions:)

Hopefully our life will get more eventful as Spring comes...we have been a pretty boring crowd lately!!!