Monday, March 2, 2009

i LOvE MY kIDdO!

Reddek has been sick, but is still so happy! I love how he is feeding us fake food all day, and how he stutters over his words. He always wants to be fair...if I give him some he says a Collyn needs some or the other way around. He is such a cute kid and reminds me of the simple things. The other day I was stressed and didn't have much patients and I kind of yelled at him he walked off and let me be for a minute. Then when I was ready to give him a hug he was so forgiving that i had just yelled at him he gave me a great big hug! I know this is all little stuff, but it makes me realize how much I love him and how perfect little ones are.

Jason got me a book for Christmas and I have been reading it! One of the chapters is about how this lady is in YW and feels like she wants to be cool, and then she realizes it doesn't matter what they think of you when you are with them, it only matters what they think of themselves when they are with you. I love that and I need to try and live more like that! Another quote I like from this book is
"Believe that as you look for the good in others, you'll find it in yourself"

This is my new Motto! I am going to try and remember that daily! I have it hanging on my mirror if I forget!
She talks about how some people (probably most) don't dare make new friends partly because they are worried about what the other person might think about them, but if you forget about yourself and look for the good in them you won't be nervous to talk to them. Also don't worry about how much they find out about you, find out what you want about ask the questions:)

Hopefully our life will get more eventful as Spring comes...we have been a pretty boring crowd lately!!!


Erica said...

You make me wanna be a mom. It's never been something I'm dying to do but the way you talk about Reddek makes me feel like maybe it's doable.

Andria said...

Reddek is such a cute boy. He is a patient and kind little guy. I am so glad we know him and get to see him so often.

Tara Mogle said...

You are so cute! I think sometimes....well lots of times I need reminders to be better person and to look for the good in other people, so thanks for the post. That Reddek and Connor need a playdate. Hopefully we can get together in this month!

Marci Jolley said...

I like that quote!!

I love all the little things about my kids too. Aren't they amazing?? I always feel SO bad after I get mad at Cash.

Jennifer Pelo Rawlings said...

"it doesn't matter what they think of you when you are with them, it only matters what they think of themselves when they are with you." I really like that. I'm sure you are wonderful with the YW.

Cameron and BreAnn said...

I love the quote! Thanks for posting. What a great reminder. I feel the same way when I get mad at Brayden. I'm so glad they are so forgiving at this age. It gives me time and time again to get it right so hopefully things go well when he is older and not so forgiving!

The Rollo Crew said...

I love reading all of these stories about your little guy. He is so precious!!!
XOXO Melanie