Monday, February 23, 2009

I love 3AM wake up calls

We didn't have too exciting of weekend...went shopping Friday relaxed Saturday and went to Joe and Andria's for the Jazz game! It is always fun to hang with them. Reddek loves their girls. Well we got home about 10:00 pm put Red to bed and we went to bed about 11:30...I had to be up by 6:00 on Sunday to take the youth to the Sacred Word at temple square. Well about 3:00 AM Jason has to wake me up to tell me Reddek is crying (Jason is still slow with his ankle so he couldn't get him) I knew something was wrong because Reddek NevEr wakes up in the night. I got to his room to hear him crying and coughing and saying mom it hurts, hurts mom. He has croup! So we brought him into our bed so he could lay by us. At about 4:00 Jason told me to go sleep on the couch so I could get some sleep...Reddek was still awake would get comfy and start coughing. POOR KID! I totally slept in and didn't make it to the church to take the girls up! I felt bad but I guess they ended up having enough cars to it them all! I got ready for church and Reddek was playing with Jas. As I was walking out Reddek stopped me
"mom I go to church!"
I tried to explain to him that he was sick and couldn't go or all the other kids would get sick!
"no mom I go to class a sing and a treats."
"no Red you stay here with daddy and he will sing songs with you"
"nope I a coming!."
I had to shut the door on him and felt so bad! This kid LOVES church especially his class.


Marci Jolley said...

That is so sad that he has the croup! Joni's kids just had it too. I always feel so bad when kids are sick...

Kim said...

Poor little guy! I hope he gets better soon!

The Johnson Family said...

Oh that is so cute! He is a little church man already!

Tara Mogle said...

poor little man. croup is so hard because they just cough and cough. i hope he starts feeling better! he is so cute.

Stacey said...

He is such a little sweetie...I'm sorry he isn't feeling well.

The McCauls said...

man I hate when the boys are sick. Doesn't it seem like they always have something??? so annoying

Andria said...

I am sorry he is sick!! That really stinks. I am sure sick of winter. Maybe we can talk Joe into moving the company to California or somewhere warm!! Oh well I guess it will get warm soon!!

Jayme said...

I hate croup too! Isn't that the cough that hurts your throat so bad?!

Katie... you are ALWAYS welcome at our girls lunches and dinners! If you email me your number I will call you sometime and me, you and Shannon can all catch up!

Westons said...

Having sick kids is the worst! Especially in the middle of the night! I hope he gets better soon. Oh and that's so great that he loves church!

strickland party of six said...

Oh you do??? No I hate them to and with 4 kids let me tell you you just wait sometimes it every HR!!!!!!! When they are all sick at once you get one to bed then the next one wakes up it's like they all have there own personal alarm clock right when you dose off back to never never land you hear the crying and the coughing! but totally worth it. My kids have RSV. I know what you are going through but I am use to the winter at the end we always seem to get the worst of the winter colds right before it turns spring. so this is a happy ending its all going away soon.

Lindsay said...

Being sick stinks...I hope he feels better soon...Let me know if you need anything...hope you can get some sleep

Our Family said...

Ours were Laminent then they got sprayed before we bought them all you would do is just sand them and then do what we did. It was fun but took a few days to dry.

Cameron and BreAnn said...

Yep, gotta love those middle-of-the-night get-ups. I think Brayden and Aydrie have something similar....they don't stop coughing! Makes me excited for Spring and warmer days. Hope he gets feeling better. Hey, we need to hang out sometime!

Curren and Marcee said...

I am so sad Red is sick, I am sure that is no fun. And double whammy to have Jason be hurt. I am so happy you found your ring! I seriously considered standing on I15 over telling Curren if I wouldn't have found it:) Hope the guys in your life keep getting better:)

Lisa and Dan said...

I sure hope I have kids who love church and want to go when they don't feel good. That would be wonderful. He's a cute kid.