the day has come came whatever...didn't know which one sounded right. (come on english teachers help me out which is right)
anyway our little guys is sleeping through the night!!! we couldn't feel more spoiled. he has been doing good ever since he came home from the hospital (the first time after he was born). He would wake up to eat but was easily put back to sleep. We can only think of 2 nights being up with him. one night he was sick so i held him most the night so he could breath. the other time could have been prevented. jason was being a great husband and woke up with him in middle of the night so i could have some sleep it was when he was maybe 3 weeks old. he feed him a bottle for the first time and we think it put rulon into shock...he wouldn't fall back asleep.
he has been sleeping from 7:30 pm to 7:30 am for a few weeks now but i didn't want to think it was official but now i can say it is!!! hooray:) we thought we were lucky with red that slept through the night at about 4 - 4 1/2 months...rulon is only 3 months when he started:) I LOVE MY BABY!!!
ps he has found his thumb which could be a very bad thing...but i think that is his trick to sleeping for so i will take it for a little while he is still little so it is cute:)
congrats! I don't know what it is about the mccaul genes but they are sleepers. Are ya sure Rulon doesn't want a pair of chaps with pink ribbons? Maybe that too could help him sleep better!
i know mccauls do love their sleep...
Congratulations!! Thats great news for you guys! Kellen started sleeping through the night at six weeks which was a God Send because I had to go back to work... Im sure I won't be so lucky with this one!
So lucky! Elijah was 14 months old before he slept through the night!
good I'm glad he'll sleep through the night, i hope ours does, and we bought a home in e-town, and nolan lives in gunnison, he is doing his student teaching at the highschool there, and we don't know the sex of our baby until thursday!!!
I love how you feel like a real person after they start sleeping through the night. With that schedule you even get some adult evening time, which is amazing. I love thumb suckers. They are so cute. It is tougher to break the habit when they are older, but so nice that it's something that can't be lost and is always handy. Get it... handy?
That is awesome! He is too cute.
Oh, and it's "the time has come" :)
It is so cute when they suck their thumb when they are little. Collin is a thumb sucker and slept through the night at 10 weeks. Beware, he is now 4 1/2 and we can't break him of it. I forced a binky on Macie.
You are too lucky!!
what???!! so lucky. I can't even believe that...madden didn't sleep through the night til he was 9 months. lucky you katie!
You have two kids!!! what the heck!! I feel way old now:)
So I just went blog stalking and decided to look at your blog! That is so nice he is sleeping through the night. Toby was just a year old when he finally decided he could sleep all night. Yeah, that was a rough year. I'm glad your little guy caught on a lot quicker!
And BTW, your boys are SO cute!
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