Tuesday, April 28, 2009

eAsTeR wEeKeNd!!!

We had a fun Easter weekend...
Started with coloring eggs at Grandma and Grandpa Lud's house wtih one of Red's favorite cousins Jade!
Then Grandpa hid all the eggs for them to find! They loved that part. Then Jade and Red needed to hide the eggs, but they ended up putting them all in one spot and when we went in to find them they showed us where to look:) They were so much fun...I love this age!

Next on Saturday we hung out with his other cousins...started at the park for the egg hunt (actually race!)
Kids waiting!
Then started the activities at our house decorating cookies(mostly eating cookies:)Then we went to Parris and Shannon's to brake the pinata! The kids loved it.

We ended at Joe and Andria's for an egg hunt! I didn't have my camera all day so I stole Andria's and there weren't any pictures of the egg hunt...but you should have seen how many eggs they had!!! Each kid had a bucket full easy...and they all had yummy treats even bubbles and balls. Reddek loved the whole day thanks so much for helping us make fun memories!

Sunday we went to Jason's moms for a BBQ...it was so yummy and a nice day so we spent it playing ball racing and eating lots of yummy food.

I love easter time remembering the savior. Reddek learned a lot this easter he came home from church and told me Jesus died and went in a cave and then came back. It is so fun to have little ones and watch them learn and grow.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

** Fun Trip To St. George**

Conference weekend us and Joe and Andria's fam decided to go to St. George!!! Actually the guys decided and kind of sprung it on us. We were so excited and LOVE when they suprise us:) It was so nice to get to warm weather and be able to play outside!
We rented a condo so we put all the kids to bed and got to hang out for a while. The guys cooked us dinner and breakfast...it was really yummy:)
We went swimming! It was a little chilly, but the pool was heated so it was still fun.

Played at the park. It was really warm:) We all played catch swang and of course went down slides.

We went hiking at the Red Cliffs. Reddek loved this part of the St. George trip.
Reddek likehiking with Daddy while mom went off with Syd and Ken to hike as high as we could go! It was fun I love those two girls well I actually love all four of them!
We had a huge living room so we were able to watch conference and feel the spirit while we were there too. This trip is just what I needed! Thanks Jason!!! We all wished we could have stayed there another week, unfortunately we couldn't. We love doing stuff with these guys and glad we are able to do so much together...I always hoped my kids would be close to their cousins because I was always close to mine and luckily so far so good! Knowing all of us we will stay really close through out the years.

Friday, April 17, 2009

I might be back : )

Us McCaul's have been having lots of fun and have lots of stuff to post about! But I am a slacker what can I say! Actually I have been working A LOT!!! I have been sick and very very tired so I am going to save my pictures and have some posts up in a bit! For now I need to finish cleaning my bathrooms...thanks Min for noticing that I have been away!