Tuesday, June 28, 2011

mY lItTlE mAn Is GrOwInG uP

Redd learned how to ride his bike without training wheels. Ever since I have been a mother I have feared potty training and teaching them how to ride without training wheels well my first has them both mastered! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? The cool thing is i didn't do much of anything for either one! The story...
It was Wednesday night almost a week ago about 4:45 I was in cooking dinner Redd was outside climbing a tree or playing baseball something outside, when he comes in and says I want my training wheels off. (we have tried this before took them off for a couple days he doesn't want to try it so I put them back on) I was like NO WAY i have to finish dinner dad is almost home and you have your last t-ball game in two hours. Redd not today. My neighbor which is one of my beehives says she will help him. Ok whatever we took them off. She helped him once and held on the seat and so I tried and got him going and let go. He was so good he learned so fast! That night he could start himself stop and turn. all within 20 mins. Jason came home and was really surprised! When Redd puts his mind to something he does it. You can't push him when he isn't ready he isn't ready but when he is watch out nothing is stopping him. I love this kid. Now tonight almost a week later he is at the instacare with his dad! He was turning totally wrecked and bit through his bottom lip. DANG:( I am sure it won't be that bad but I felt bad for the little guy.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


So life is fun and crazy as ever! I keep waiting for the time to slow down a bit but i have come to the realization it will always be crazy busy so i just need to enjoy it:) A day doesn't go by that I think of how lucky I am for my cute boys and Great husband...i don't know how i got so lucky but am glad i did! Last weekend I ran my first half marathon. For lots this isn't a big deal and it wasn't for me it wasn't very hard wasn't very sore, but lets go back about 9 years...
In high school I HATED running...i was one that would cheat on how many laps i had ran when we were suppose to run the mile. I just couldn't do it! In college my worst class was PE...yes i would rather take math biology chemistry anything but PE. THEY MADE YOU RUN 1.5 miles at the beginning of the year and then beat your time at the end. I passed i wasn't sure i would but my hot boyfriend (jason) was in the class with me so i had to step it up:) I started running before i got pregnant with Reddek. Jason and I lived in West Jordan and we would go to the gym together every night (oh the days before kids) so about every night i would run 1/2 hour and i HATED it! I continued to run through my pregnancy and stopped hating it. It was a time I would gather my thoughts from the day and a great stress release for me. So to say i have ran a 1/2 marathon is CRAZY to me when i think about who i was. I now love running if I am stressed or mad I need to go for a run it gets all my frustrations out! I am now getting packed for Ragnar! HOORAY:) i ran it last year and mad some really good friends and we had so much fun. This year I get to run it with my friends i grew up with just across the street and their spouses. I know i am not going to get any sleep and miss all my boys like crazy but I am Super excited!!! Jason doesn't get it he thinks it is crazy to pay money to go run crazy amounts of miles...but he is good and supports me doing it:)
sorry boring post i have just been having these thoughts and needed to get them down somewhere before i forget! and we need a new computer so bad...so no pictures:(