Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Reddek has been trying to say everybody's names...we were at a baby blessing and my niece Avery was sitting on Jason's lap and Reddek was sitting next to them. Reddek was eating snacks (of course it is sacrement it is the only thing to keep him quiet) he would eat one and then hand one to Avery. This went on for quite some time...if he noticed that Avery was done before he was he would give her the other half he just bit off. Well Avery started paying attention to something else but Reddek was still eating and trying to hand Avery one. He leaned over trying to hand it to her she didn't notice he leaned a little further still nothing so he finally yelled "RAVRY" she looked over and grabbed the snack. I thought it was so funny he tried to say her name and now that is what she is called at our house ravry.

He also learned my name "kaie" so this last weekend if I was ignoring him by him saying mom he would say "kaie" was so funny so now he calls me "kaie" hopefully it doesn't last too long. He has learned Parris (says that one pretty well) he calls Joe Boe, Logan Wogan and Jason Ason. Getting there still has a ways to go.

1 comment:

Jennifer Pelo Rawlings said...

My kids did/do the same thing with calling me by my first name. Unfortunately it is so darn cute. I do have to say to them sometimes, "You call me Mom, not Jennifer." I love the period where you are right now with talking. They are progressing so fast and it's amazing to hear their newest words.