Thursday, June 19, 2008

Tagged by Shannon

* How long have you been married? 3 1/2 years

* How old is your spouse? 24

* Who eats more? I think Jason, but neither of us eat very much it is too much work!

* Who is taller? Jason (everyone in the world is taller than me!)

* Who sings better? Jason

* Who is smarter? Jason, but we both have things we are smart at...He is better at english, but we had chemistry together and I kicked his butt.

* Who controls the T.V. remote? Jason, we don't watch too much T.V mainly news at night.

* Whose temper is worse? MINE!!! Jason is pretty calm nothing really gets him that upset...actually not really anything gets him that mad he knows how to control his pretty good. I let my emotions get the best of me.

* Who does the laundry? ME...Jason use to help but now since I only work part time I keep it caught up but he is willing to help if I get behind.

* Who does the dishes? ME

* Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? ME

* Who cooks dinner? Both, when we cook dinner. We aren't really on a good eating schedule sometimes we don't even have dinner. (I know I am a bad wife!)

* Who is more stubborn? probably me

* Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Me, Jason never thinks he is wrong...he is probably right I am usually in the wrong.

* Whose parents do you see the most? Both, Jason's mom is close and my parents come up alot and we go down alot.

* Who has more friends? Me

* Who has more siblings? Jason there are ten kids in his and only four in mine.

* Who wears the pants in the family? I don't know I would say Jason but he would say me.

I tagg Charle


Jennifer Pelo Rawlings said...

I had a hard time with the pants question. What does that even mean? It's so rare to see a man dominating his wife or vice versa. Weird.

Stacey said...

I came to check out your blog tonight, and found Jen Rawlins, and Amber I am blog stalking your ward! I can't wait for pictures of you in your hat by the way. I want an invite to your party, I want a flower for my niece.

Andria said...

Hey!! That was fun to read your answers.