Sunday, September 14, 2008

My Two Favorite Boys!!!

Well these two boys are my favorite!!! Reddek and Collin have so much fun together! I posted a couple pictures of their favorite things to do at my house...I forgot swing. They are so funny the other day they were talking giberish to each other but it was like they understood. Collin would say something that sounded like nothing and Reddek would come back No and then a bunch of stuff that meant nothing and they did this for about five minutes. They love each other and I am so glad Reddek has Collin to grow up with. They do of course get in their little fights but by Sunday Reddek is just asking for Collin. I hope they always stay close and become best buds. Well I guess they already are!

They LOVE to go running! Which helps me when I don't feel like exercising Reddek usually finds the running stroller and says "Mom run to Ravry's"...I don't know if they like the run or just that we end up at Avery's, but it gets me exercising so it works :)
They are so funny...they will both hide behind the curtains and run out just laughing.
I love this picture they are playing catch, but Collin kept putting it in Reddek's mit. After this they watched The Sandlot! Of course they both had to have their ball in their hand and they were just staring:)


The Trythalls said...

Those pictures are adorable! Your house looks really nice too! I can't wait until we can get a place of our own, I am so sick of apartments.

Stacey said...

It is so nice that they have each other. It's so fun when cousins can be friends too!

Andria said...

They are my favorite boys too!! We love that you guys end up here. We love to see you. Avery even tells me in the morning that she is going to play with Collyn/Reddek!!

MIMI n' LINCOLN RULE!! said...

wow, jason did a good job fixing up the fire place. it looks so nice!

have a great week!

michael. mindy. dane. said...

Hey so I hope you get this this morning. So I might be a few minutes late, just like 5 or 10 though. I hope that's ok! see you in a little bit. I'm excited!

The McCauls said...

Oh how fun. I love that Collyn and Reddek are best buds too. They really do love eachother

Jennifer Pelo Rawlings said...

Those pictures are so cute. I love the vacant stares as they watch the movie and the playing catch.

michael. mindy. dane. said...

Ok Dane's is Today was so fun we need to do it again sometime! Too bad we didn't take any pics to put on our blogs!!!

Madsen Family said...

What cute pictures of them! They will definitely be good friends growing up. That is fun they get to spend so much time together.

Unknown said...

Yankees and Dodgers guys? C'mon, those are my least favorite teams in the world. It's all good though, the boys definitely look like a couple of studs.