Monday, November 30, 2009

Love these BOYS!!!

Doesn't this look like the life?!? Rulon is the newest addition and he is such a good baby...i keep thinking everyday ok it can't be this easy he is going to be a pain...but nope he keeps being good:) HOORAY!!!

But I am lucky enough to have 3 great boys in my was just Thanksgiving so I need to share how lucky and thankful I am to have them all!
This is what we have been doing at our house lately just hanging out...nice how a newborn slows you down to relax!
We decided after lots of debating that we would still go to Thanksgiving even with a newborn...we were really careful, but our two little boys are SICK!!!
I hate when my kids are sick (not only because we don't get any sleep) I feel bad for them and wish i could take it away. Then it makes me think how lucky we are to have a warm home for them to sleep in. Can you imagine having a sick kid and not having a place with all the luxuries to care for them?!? It makes me realize how much I take for granted...even just Tylenol! When Reddek gets a fever I don't panic because I have some right in my kitchen, well what if we weren't so lucky to have some then a fever would be a big deal. I know my boys will get better and the sleepless nights will end I just hate seeing them so tired and not able to sleep because they can't breath. HONESTLY can't they make something that makes us unable to catch common colds?!? I ONLY WISH:)
Well even though my boys are sick...we had a nice Thanksgiving with Jason's family! I always love getting together with family! I wish everyone in the world could have a great close family it is the BEST!!! During the holidays I always think of those who don't have family and feel so bad for them...because I don't know what we would do without all of them:)
So I am thankful for lots this season and hope I can remember and not take little things for granted. HOPE YOU ALL HAVE A FUN HOLIDAY SEASON...because it has begun and will be over before we know it!


michael. mindy. dane. said...

Cute boys! Sorry they are sick :(

Westons said...

Sorry your boys are sick! And I haven't officially congratulated you on your newest addition. He is absolutely adorable! I felt way bad for you when I read about the NICU. A similar thing happened to us with Millie and she spend the first 5 days of life in the NICU and it was seriously my personal Hell. It was hard because she was our first baby but I'm sure it was equally hard having another child at home to take care of. I'm sorry you had to go through that. Hugs!

Erica said...

Katie, I'm so glad to hear everything is going well for you. Enjoy that little bundle of joy! He is darling.

Colleen said...

I'm so glad Rulon is such a good baby! See, you had nothing to worry about. :) (So cute, by the way!)

The Peterson Clan... said...

Sorry your babies are sick... but I totally agree about being so blessed! This year a couple days before Thanksgiving I was looking at my boys and I almost started to cry because I just feel so blessed to have them! Both of your boys are growing right up! Rulon is adorable and Reddick looks like such a big boy now!! We need to get together soon! I miss you!!

Andria said...

I just love your boys too!! They are such cuties!! I hope they get feeling better so we can hang out again!! I am bored. Let me know when you are up for some visitors. I need my baby holding fix!!

Grant and Candice said...

Having sick kids is the worst! Mine are both sick right now too and I just feel so bad for them. Your boys are sooo darling. I hope they get better soon!

Lisa and Dan said...

It seems we all got sick this Thanksgiving too with a cold. Maybe it's all the food we eat...slows down our systems so we get sick. Anyway, I just read about you having your baby. Congratulations! Sorry to hear it was a hard start out. Good luck with everything. I hope he continues to be a good little boy (: That's what I'm hoping for too, but I bet the first one always seems difficult because it's the first.

MIMI n' LINCOLN RULE!! said...

i am grateful for tylenol as well and for families.

merry christmas to you too

Marion said...

oh my goodness! i never look at blogs, so I just saw that you had your little boy and that he was in the NICU. I am so sorry I know how hard it can be, but I'm so happy he's home and healthy! Congratulations
2 little boys! i really do think you;re so lucky, I can;t wait to have boys!
he really is precious
oh and you seriously look so good, I can't believe you had a boy like 3 weeks ago!

BeeP said...

I have not seen you at all! You look so cute and your boys are adorable! Enjoy your time "hibernating". I'll see you when you surface. :)