Monday, January 4, 2010

Christmas 2009

well we had another fun christmas at the lud's!!!
pictures are all over the place but i am doing this with a baby in my arms so deal.
we went down to my parents house Christmas eve...we stopped at jason's sister tammy's house first for dinner and it was yummy!
My whole fam was able to be to my parents house it is always fun for us all to be together...started the night with treats then santa came by to give the kids their pjs...then some Christmas stories and put kids to bed.
Reddek woke up so excited to see what santa brought was fun the fist year he has really got the whole santa thing. Him and jade had fun watching each other open their presents. My parents always give us way too much so we had tons of gifts to open too. By the end Reddek was so sick of opening presents jason had to open his last 5 gifts. i guess we know next year to cut down the gifts.
after presents we had yummy christmas breakfast...then Red wanted to go sledding so my dad and logan hooked up the sled to the four-wheeler. It was so fun Reddek loved it and loved going fast. Jason had surgery a week before christmas so he wasn't able to enjoy the fun stuff like sledding and packing the truck and changing diapers. But this Christmas I really enjoyed there is something about having a new little one right before the holidays...they make it special. I love my little family and am so glad we were able to spend the holidays together.

Reddek loves singing and playing his guitar...he knows almost all the christmas songs and would sit down and sing them at night to us...whenever i got the video camera out he would get to shy. He LOVES music!

my cute little rulon...doesn't get whats going on but he goes along for the ride and is a fun little guy to have around in our house. He doesn't fuss much and just loves getting hugs and kisses from red.


michael. mindy. dane. said...

Cute! I'm so glad you updated! Rulon is adorable.

Erica said...

Rulon is so so cute. One day when he's a little bit bigger I want to hold and squeeze him!! I love Reddek. Him and his gun. Love it!

Tara Mogle said...

So cute! Sounds like your holidays were busy and fun! Those boys are so handsome. Funny, our boys got sick of opening presents too...that Santa needs to take a chill pill next year! haha. love ya

The Rollo Crew said...

You have the cutest family ever!! I can't believe how great you look in the picture with your Christmas tree at the top of your blog. You are my do you loose your weight so fast? Tell me all of your secrets.
XOXO Melanie

Marion said...

so sometimes I'm not very good at looking at the blogs, but the benefit of this is I see the change. Reddek looks like he has grown so much! you have a full blown toddler! and of course rulon gets bigger and cuter each time. I hope you;re getting some down time!

Cameron and BreAnn said...

Your kids are so cute! Glad you had a fun Christmas. It's good to have you back at school.

Meggan Butterfield said...

katie, your little boys are so cute. It looks like you had a good christmas! Gosh how is that having 2 kids?

Well you will have to let me know what your username is for the 2010 transformation challenge so that we can be friends and help support each other.