Wednesday, December 3, 2008

4 years later!!!

Well four years ago on November 20th Jason and I were married in the Manti Temple. It is crazy how fast it has gone...but also crazy how far we have got in life. Have a two year old, Jason is done with school and has a career and I also have a career. I love looking at old picutres so I was looking at some and I took pictures of them so they aren't the best but you get what we looked like. (basically the same) We had a great day with tons of family and friends. I think that day was the best day in my life well that and the day Reddek was born are a toss up.

Jason's dad, me, Jason , Jason's mom and stepdad Gene

Here is us know! For our anniversary we went up to Midway! It was so nice and relaxing just what I needed actually:) Jason has been good to always plan something for us (i don't know why but i think of that as the man's job) We stayed at this great place Johnson's Mill. A cute old fashioned bed and breakfast. My lovely sister watched Reddek for us and we took off. We went to this fancy place for dinner and it was good, but Jason and I are just as happy with cheap food so we might not eat there again.

They had this trail for us to walk on and a was so fun to just spend time with one another. We even saw some deer on our little walk we got pretty close to them too!

Our deck...and below is our view from our room!!! I loved this place:) Isn't that so pretty?
Our room! The pictures don't do it justice.

And this is what I found...
I went to the bathroom to "freshen up" and I came out to this! Snacks and sparkling cider. He is such a cutie!!! He told me he knew I had been stressed out so he tried to plan a nice relaxing couple of days. It was and I loved every minute of it! I love Jason and don't think there is a better match for me. He is so good to me and I am grateful he puts up with me! Love you Jason and THANKS A TON for the great couple of days. (we even did it a day earlier so I could go with a bunch of friends to the midnight showing of Twilight...what a great guy) I hope to have many more years with him!


Kelly & Charlene Moore said...

That was so sweet of Jason. It is so weird how fast time goes by Kelly and I have been married for 7 months it is crazy. It seems like I just barely met you guys but I love being in your family and I love that we can hang out with you guys. Jason and you are very good people and we are so happy that we have you in our lives.

Marci Jolley said...

WOW! 4 years!!! You guys are so cute. You are lucky that Jason plans that stuff, most guys don't. I love the pic of the deer cuz you can see your shadows it's so cute.

Colleen said...

Happy anniversary! You guys are so cute together.

And I love the Santa photo!

Erica said...

You guys look so little!! 4 years? Wow...You'll have many more wonderful times together, you guys are the cutest couple I know. I'm jealous that your husband plans it, I too think it is the man's job but have failed to get that point across to Daren yet...

Madsen Family said...

How fun! It looks like you guys had a great time. The place you stayed looks awesome. We have been married 4 years too - I didn't know we were married the same year!

Kim said...

Congrats on your anniversary--4 years WOW! It looks like you had a great time and props for Jason for planning such a great weekend. I love the new pic with Reddek & Santa! ADORABLE!

Annie said...

Aw that looks like the cutest bed and breakfast, and such a fun weekend! Nice job Jason! (I agree it is the man's job to plan)

Marion said...

that looks like such a fun anniversary. I'm jealous. Dane and I wanna do something before the little ladies come, but it looks as if time is running out...

Cameron and BreAnn said...

Hey katie the blog looks great and congradulations on the anniversary. I am still mad that you didnt get married on my birthday. Jason thanks alot for being such a great husband now my wife says that I need to step it up and be like you. I am always in your shadow. and katie I was just wondering what does freshen up mean? from Cameron

Andria said...

I can't believe it has been four years. Time flies. Your wedding day was amazing. You looked so beautiful. It looks like you had a great anniversary. Congrats!!! You are both wonderful people!!

Jennifer Pelo Rawlings said...

I love the pictures of you coming out of the temple. You guys look sooo happy. Too cute. Happy anniversary.

It's totally fine to not sit on Santa's lap, especially after that long of a wait.

Stacey said...

Your room looks amazing! I love the snacks.

Amber Baker said...

Ahhh-that looks like fun!