Monday, November 30, 2009

Love these BOYS!!!

Doesn't this look like the life?!? Rulon is the newest addition and he is such a good baby...i keep thinking everyday ok it can't be this easy he is going to be a pain...but nope he keeps being good:) HOORAY!!!

But I am lucky enough to have 3 great boys in my was just Thanksgiving so I need to share how lucky and thankful I am to have them all!
This is what we have been doing at our house lately just hanging out...nice how a newborn slows you down to relax!
We decided after lots of debating that we would still go to Thanksgiving even with a newborn...we were really careful, but our two little boys are SICK!!!
I hate when my kids are sick (not only because we don't get any sleep) I feel bad for them and wish i could take it away. Then it makes me think how lucky we are to have a warm home for them to sleep in. Can you imagine having a sick kid and not having a place with all the luxuries to care for them?!? It makes me realize how much I take for granted...even just Tylenol! When Reddek gets a fever I don't panic because I have some right in my kitchen, well what if we weren't so lucky to have some then a fever would be a big deal. I know my boys will get better and the sleepless nights will end I just hate seeing them so tired and not able to sleep because they can't breath. HONESTLY can't they make something that makes us unable to catch common colds?!? I ONLY WISH:)
Well even though my boys are sick...we had a nice Thanksgiving with Jason's family! I always love getting together with family! I wish everyone in the world could have a great close family it is the BEST!!! During the holidays I always think of those who don't have family and feel so bad for them...because I don't know what we would do without all of them:)
So I am thankful for lots this season and hope I can remember and not take little things for granted. HOPE YOU ALL HAVE A FUN HOLIDAY SEASON...because it has begun and will be over before we know it!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Things that make us laugh

Reddek's funny favorite sayings...

I can just see good with green eyes

I want to ride the alligator (elevator)

Mom just go out...whenever he wants to do something he shouldn't

Mom it's making a rainbow! When we hear thunder

Rulon isn't mad just getting sad

But mom don't be mad...and frowns with his big green eyes...melts my heart

Mom you are little and daddy is big, I want to get big like Daddy!

Just not yet

Mom he isn't talking for me

Just for I am a baby

We just love this kid...he is such a good big brother! But don't tell him that he doesn't want to be a brother he is just REDDEK and Rulon is his baby brother.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Rulon Robert McCaul

Meet our newest addition to the McCaul home...Rulon (after Jason Rulon) Robert (after Jason's dad and granfather) McCaul! He was born November 5th at 1:58 pm weighing in at 7 lbs 13 ounces...20 inches long! WOW what a big baby. I felt bigger with this one so I had the DR measure me and compare to my measurements with Reddek at the same week and I was measuring basically the same and I weighed 1 lb less then when I delivered with Reddek so I thought he was going to be tiny like Reddek. He was born weighing 6 lbs 4 ounces only 18 inches long.
Well that morning we woke up about 5:30 called the hospital to see if they had a bed for me to go deliver in and they did so we showered got ready and arrived at the hopital about 7:00 am.
This is us getting excited to meet our new little man. I got the epidural about 10:30 am so I experienced a couple hours of labor then fell asleep. The nurse literally had to wake me up to check me and I was completely ready so they got the Dr there and we pushed for only 15 mins. My Dr is really good to have mom hold them right when they come I was holding him while Jason cut the cord. I then got worried...he wasn't crying. I asked the Dr he said they were going to have someone from the NICU come take a look at him. So they didn't even really wash him off and the Dr from the NICU said they needed to take him up there probably for an hour or two. So they let me give him a kiss goodbye and they took my baby upstairs. Jason went with them...a few hours later we realized it was going to be a while. We went up to see him hooked up to this. They call it a C-PAP not really sure but it helps their lungs open up so they can breath better. Then they made it sound like they might have him through the night.

Jason and I should have rested why we didn't have our little man but we were a wreck. We finally went up to him about 11:30 pm to give him a blessing. Before that we decided we needed a name if we were going to give him a blessing...see we really do wait for the last moment. Which he chose the one I wanted my whole pregnancy! Rulon Robert McCaul:)

The next day we go up and see him like this! Sweet this little man will be coming with us soon. Well he regressed and they put him on a ventilator that bascially breaths for you so his lungs could have a rest.

Then we find out he has pneumonia so he was on an antibiotic for 7 days...this was turning into a long stay at the NICU instead of a couple hours.

Our little trooper continued to improve had to go back on cpap after the ventilator then on a little oxygen but he was getting healthier.
That 9 days he was in the Nicu was hard...trying not to ditch Reddek but being at the hospital as much as we could. Luckily we have great family around to help us out!

First bath in the NICU...he loved it!

FINALLY getting in his car seat to go home

These are my cute boys I get to see everyday:) I am so glad to all be together.
Thanks to everyone for their help...our little guy is doing much better he didn't even have to come home on oxygen. Now the sleepless nights start!!! But he is worth it we love him so much and so does his big brother.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Crazy Dad and Reddek

This Halloween Reddek was Spiderman...and the rule was you had to call him Spiderman not Reddek!
Fat Mom and Spiderman!!! I love that kid:)
We all went to Joe and Andria's for a fun party! They made yummy dinner...then we took the kids trick or treating. Jason and Joe stayed back to hand out candy! As we were trick or treating we heard about this scary house...well we get back and it is their house! Jason and Joe had set up to scare people. It was a real fun Halloween! The kids liked watching people get scared more than trick or treating. Jason and I were not festive this year so we didn't dress up.
Batman(Collyn), Spiderman(Reddek) and a fairy Princess (Avery)
Sydney as Snow White...and little Audrey.
Spiderman and Batman fighting The Devil (Parris)

Monday, October 26, 2009


1. Favorite season:Fall

2. Favorite physical feature: Right now my big fat belly! lol notta

4. Color your hair regularly? Yes I hope to have it done before the new baby comes.

5. Top item on your wish list: To loose 40 lbs

6. Favorite way to 'scent' your house: ScEnTsY cAnDlEs

7. What are you eating for dinner tonight? We ate chicken potato salad green beans rolls and grapes...pretty boring!

8. Are your toenails painted? YeS! My sis me and mom went for a pedicure not too long ago.

9. One thing you splurge on even if $ is tight: PePsI!!!

10. Post the most recent photo of you ...Well our camera is still broken and we are going to buy one before Halloween, Red's birthday and new baby! SO for now I really don't have one:) Its not just cause i'm huge and pregnant.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Potty Training :)

Red is growing up so fast...and so good!
Jason has been telling me its time to potty train for a long pregnant kind of unmotivated asked Red if he wanted to wear underwear he crys and says no. I take that as he isn't ready. Well last Saturday Jason was home put underwear on him I was in the garage painting I come in Red tells me he has to go potty...what?!? He did it! WOW so easy for me...the rest of the day no accidents. He has done really well. He has had about 4 accidents in 5 days. I am so proud of him. Thanks to Jason for starting it. I was determined I would have the other baby before I even started trying. He has a sticker chart and loves putting a sticker on it each time he goes potty. He has also woke up dry each morning! The first thing he yells in the morning "MOM get me out I have to go Pee!" So we are proud of our lil guy and it makes me a little sad he is getting so big. ALMOST 3! Reddek makes life fun...we are scared for the new baby because we have had it so easy with Reddek. We have slept through the night since he was 3-4 months old. He is so easy going doesn't really care what we do he is content sitting down by his mom and dad to watch a movie. (it is usually one we pick out and he watches the whole thing with us) We have been working on his new room so the next thing will be the big boy bed! I hope he goes to sleep ok in it...kind of scared!

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Well it is pretty boring without a camera to blog...but I feel like I am forgetting so much so here is a long post without pictures. Things going on lately...
Jason had his birthday on Sept. 30th he turned the big 26!!! We are not in our early twenties anymore:( I am so lucky to have married this guy. If you know him you know what I am talking about. He helps me stay down to earth not stress about the little things and makes me smile even when I am SO mad. He is the best dad in the world. I hope Reddek turns out just like him (really not me please turn out like your dad) He puts up with my little projects and gets them done for me (even if it is on his time schedule not mine) He helps me want and try to be a better person...what else could you ask for:) Happy late birthday!

Reddek has been loving school! I am glad:) His personality is coming out even more...not so shy anymore.

I am still pregnant...just about a month to go! We are trying to get things done before the baby comes...even though Jason reminds me if we don't get them all done the new baby sure isn't going to care. Reddek is excited for his lil brother to come. He is all ready to share his toys(for now we will see when the baby can actually play) he talks about his baby brother daily. I can't wait for those two to be best buddies.

Fall is my FAVORITE time of year. You get to cover up in jackets sweaters and drink hot chocolate. I love the sound made from walking on leaves, kids coming home from school and love how the trees are so colorful. I can't wait until our trees have enough leaves for Red to jump in. I could eat soup everyday. I love fall decorations. I also love the word Autumn but nobody uses it anymore.
Not too much going on but need to update about something.
Our little family is enjoying life right now we know we are so blessed and try to be thankful for all the good times we have.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Red's 1st day of Preschool

Reddek started preschool yesterday and I never though this day would come. . . they grow up way too fast! He was so excited his class didn't start until 12:30 and he was up and ready to go first thing in the morning. He did good in class and made lots of new friends.
I love this kid and am so happy he is healthy happy boy:)

As for the pregnancy I am 7 months have 2 more to go!!! We are excited still need to set up Reddek's new room and the baby's room but other than that ready for him to come. Reddek wants his lil brother out.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

What FUN is

Last weekend we had so much fun! My family came up to our house for a bbq Friday. Jason made us some Yummy salmon and steak. I have still been craving it. We were celebrating Logan (my little brother) Mine and my mom's birthdays since they are within days of each other. We had some yummy ice cream cake. Then Jason took off while we put the kiddos to bed. He returned with ROCK BAND! So we all stayed up all night playing rock parents have never played it was fun to see them get into it. My dad rocked at the COUNTRY one, and he actually sang ok to the rock songs just put a country twain on them.
We woke up to the sound of Wind and rain...not so good, we were planning to go to LAGOON! We waited and left about 11 and when we got there the weather was perfect.
Me being 6 months pregnant didn't get to do much...but it was so fun to watch Jade and Reddek on the rides. Kids are the best! They had fun and liked the FAST rides the best. Thanks for the great weekend MOM AND DAD:)
Sunday was my real birthday so Jason being the great husband he is. Made me my favorite meatloaf Sunday for dinner and had invited people over for cake and ice cream. Thanks everyone for the birthday gifts and coming to hang out! WE REALLY HAVE THE BEST FAMILY AND FRIENDS AROUND.

sorry no pictures(camera still broke)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

sUmMeR fUn!!!

Well this summer has been filled with fun adventures! Which I had all on my camera and was so going to do each post...I had about a million:) We are always doing fun stuff just not always so good at updating or moving pictures onto the computer. Well on one of our adventures Jason forgot the camera was in his pocket and walked into the water to get on the jet ski. Yes totally destroyed my camera and yes the memory card! Argh...but it kind of takes the stress off of updating all of our exciting activities.

One of our fun trips is going to Park City with Jason's family. We stayed in a nice condo with Shannon and Parris. Collyn and Reddek had tons of fun! These two boys are my favorite:)

In case you are wondering where they get their weirdness from...see below!

I stole these pictures from Shannon's blog so there aren't many of us at the beach. Teresa, Shannon, and I went out tanning on the tube and got way too far out there so we got rescued by Teresa's hubby Jay. After a boat of guys offered to let us go with them! lol so we are old and prego but still go it! totally kidding.

Reddek loved going on the jet ski...and played on the beach with Collyn. Collyn loved the water and Red was just fine sitting on his chair on the beach.
Being 6 months pregnant I wasn't too excited for a vacation just hanging out at the beach in a swimming suit but sure glad I went. It was so fun! I even rode the jet ski...didn't check with the Dr but it didn't hurt so I think I am ok;)

And as for you asking for belly way! I don't take pictures pregnant. I hate to see myself prego. With Reddek I think my mom is the only one who has a picture of me pregnant and I HATE IT! So i will think aobut it because people say your kids will want to see when they were in your tummy, I never cared and I am not sure my kids will so we will see. For those that live by can testify that I have a big belly fat checks and chubby everywhere! Lets just say I am glad I have him in the winter so I can wear sweats and stuff until I have gotten back into shape...see I plan this well.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Reddek took me to the Oquirrh Mountain Temple open house for a little mommy son date...we actually went with the Young Women but Reddek wanted to go to the temple and Jason was busy so I took my cute date along. He was so good and loved the temple. He kept saying mom those girls need to be quiet. He really was one of the most reverent ones there. After the temple you can go to the tents and have refreshments(cookies and water) Reddek said after when he was talking about his trip to the temple that Jesus gave us cookies and water...pretty cute. He knows whos house it is. Our cute neighbor Sadie passed away so Jason explained that she went to live with Jesus. We drove by the Manti temple over the 4th weekend and Reddek said mom look Sadie and Jesus' house. It was so cute. Sorry more pics and posts coming I just have to write down these cute little things as they happen or I will forget. He is getting excited for his little brother. Wants to show him how to play EVERYTHING(poor kid is going to have to wait a couple years)

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Today a sweet little girl in our ward Sadie Huish passed away because of a terrible brain tumor. This family is so amazing and have been an example to me and all around them along with strangers through her blog. Sadie is such a great example of strength and faith. Please keep the Huishs a sweet family in your thoughts and prayers as they struggle through their loss.
(You can click on her name to read her story)

Just hug your kids longer today and treasure each moment you have with them :)

Monday, June 22, 2009

rEsUlTs : )

Well today we went to our ultrasound and found out we are having another BOY!!! We are so excited. Reddek is excited to have a little brother he wants to show him how to put on his mit and hit the ball high to the sky! I have a name I love but Jason is still deciding so if you have any cute ideas let us know.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

So Reddek just told me he has a frog in his throat! Where do kids come up with this stuff...he really does sound like it! Still of course happy and running around :) I have enjoyed my day off, but really haven't accomplished much as you can see i am on my blog...better go get to work! ! !

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

My Friend's Wedding

One of my best friends from high school got married over the weekend. It was so fun to see her and run into a couple other friends. Congrats Jill and I am so happy I was able to share that special day with you!

Me, Jill and Tamber ( Lindsey was there also but left before we got pictures )

Happy Birthday DAD!!!

Two cute boys ready for the ZOO!!!
It was my Dad's birthday last Tuesday so him and my mom came up to spend the day with us and their grand kids. We went to the zoo! (I am sure it was my moms choice I don't think my dad likes the zoo) I haven't been to the zoo for a long time and it was fun! We chose a nice day not too hot or cold and the zoo wasn't busy either. Jade kept looking for the "three bears" from Goldie locks and the three bears. Reddek kept looking for "Alex" from Madagascar. The kids were fun to watch to see all the animals. We went to the bird show and it was so cool! The birds would fly right over us and Jade and Reddek LOVED it! Collyn on the other hand was so scared he was crying so my mom took him out so he didn't disturb the show.I think all the kids liked the Giraffe...he was showing off and showing us his tongue it is HUGE!!! Red and I found "Marty" from Madagascar...but no Alex! Jade hates her picture taken, but she finally found the three bears :)
They really had fun just didn't like to stop for their picture:(
After the zoo we all went to my house met up with Jason and Rob and had a nice big BBQ for my dad's birthday! We had SO much food and it was all so delicious. We played games ate cake and I think it ended up being a good birthday for my dad!
The kids of course helped Grandpa blow out the candles!
Happy birthday DAD!!! I am so blessed to have such a great dad, he is really the greatest. He calls about everyday just to check up on us, is always there when we need him, is willing to serve anyone, he loves his family and does anything for any of us! I LOVE YOU DAD...hope you had a great day.

Logan's Graduation

We went to Manti for Memorial weekend...Logan (my youngest brother) graduated! It was fun my sister and I took the kids down Thursday so we could go to seminary graduation. The kids did pretty good it was LONG for two two year olds. I am proud of Logan...I didn't get any pictures of that night, but it was nice. Then my parents are so nice and let Rachel and I go out for a girls night while they watched the kids and put them to bed.
Friday we took the kids swimming(again no pictures) then met up with our hubbies at the high school graduation. It was again long but nice.Logan and his two sisters.Logan and his proud parents : )My little brother and his little sister (me)

Friday, June 5, 2009

mY cUtE bOy

I usually leave for work way before Jason and Reddek even think of waking up! Like 5:30 - 6:00...well today was a little different. I had to work all day today because most of our office was out on vacation. So I got to sleep in a little and actually see my boys before I left. Reddek came into my room while I was putting my shoes on...our conversation went like this:
"mom you goin to work, and I'm going to Shannon's?"
"yep mommy has to go to work."
"Reddek does it make you sad when mommy goes to work?"
"no mommy its ok don't be sad. I play at Shannon's"
"ok see ya mommy."
"Reddek don't you want a banana?"
"no don't worry my daddy gets it. ok bye mom!"

A simple converstation but it made me realize how cute my boy is!!! He is getting so big and understands everything going on. I am also so thankful he has somewhere to go while I work that he likes and has fun at Shannon's. Every day I pick him up he tells me he had fun! We only have to leave him a few hours which is nice.
Kids are the BEST!!! He give big tight hugs and kisses...he rarley says I love you, but when we say it to him he signs it back. We are very blessed to have this little guy in our family! I can't wait to have another!!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


So I haven't posted for almost a month!!! That is so not like me...we have been busy around the McCaul house.
My littlest brother graduated! Yes I am old now:(
We finally finished (well almost) our backyard! And it looks so good:) pictures to come soon
I have ran into old friends and wish I had pictures:(
We went south for the long weekend:)
I planted my front yard!
um I guess we haven't done too much...but it feels like we have
Oh wait I had a wonderful mother's day:)

I really need to get my pictures uploaded so I can do an intresting post with pictures and all. Jason really worked hard on our backyard and it was so worth it! Thanks to many neighbors and Jason's brothers for helping so much.

We soon find out what sex our little one is!!! In your comment vote what you think I am having :) I think it is a boy but I am usually not right!

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Well I didn't know how many would notice the change of my header so I will post about it. It might still be early, but we are adding to our family! Thats right another cute little McCaul will be entering the world around November 10th! We are so excited and Reddek is so sure it is a little brother but we will see...I am not too far along but too excited to keep it in any longer:) Reddek will be 3 about a week before our other little one is if you notice I am getting fatter I am!!!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

eAsTeR wEeKeNd!!!

We had a fun Easter weekend...
Started with coloring eggs at Grandma and Grandpa Lud's house wtih one of Red's favorite cousins Jade!
Then Grandpa hid all the eggs for them to find! They loved that part. Then Jade and Red needed to hide the eggs, but they ended up putting them all in one spot and when we went in to find them they showed us where to look:) They were so much fun...I love this age!

Next on Saturday we hung out with his other cousins...started at the park for the egg hunt (actually race!)
Kids waiting!
Then started the activities at our house decorating cookies(mostly eating cookies:)Then we went to Parris and Shannon's to brake the pinata! The kids loved it.

We ended at Joe and Andria's for an egg hunt! I didn't have my camera all day so I stole Andria's and there weren't any pictures of the egg hunt...but you should have seen how many eggs they had!!! Each kid had a bucket full easy...and they all had yummy treats even bubbles and balls. Reddek loved the whole day thanks so much for helping us make fun memories!

Sunday we went to Jason's moms for a was so yummy and a nice day so we spent it playing ball racing and eating lots of yummy food.

I love easter time remembering the savior. Reddek learned a lot this easter he came home from church and told me Jesus died and went in a cave and then came back. It is so fun to have little ones and watch them learn and grow.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

** Fun Trip To St. George**

Conference weekend us and Joe and Andria's fam decided to go to St. George!!! Actually the guys decided and kind of sprung it on us. We were so excited and LOVE when they suprise us:) It was so nice to get to warm weather and be able to play outside!
We rented a condo so we put all the kids to bed and got to hang out for a while. The guys cooked us dinner and was really yummy:)
We went swimming! It was a little chilly, but the pool was heated so it was still fun.

Played at the park. It was really warm:) We all played catch swang and of course went down slides.

We went hiking at the Red Cliffs. Reddek loved this part of the St. George trip.
Reddek likehiking with Daddy while mom went off with Syd and Ken to hike as high as we could go! It was fun I love those two girls well I actually love all four of them!
We had a huge living room so we were able to watch conference and feel the spirit while we were there too. This trip is just what I needed! Thanks Jason!!! We all wished we could have stayed there another week, unfortunately we couldn't. We love doing stuff with these guys and glad we are able to do so much together...I always hoped my kids would be close to their cousins because I was always close to mine and luckily so far so good! Knowing all of us we will stay really close through out the years.